
Run Developer Home

Getting Started

Tokenize with Runner.js

Reporting with Run Merchant

Boarding API

Validation & Deployment


Get Ready to Run!

Once development of your integration to our services have been completed, we request that you complete a series of test transactions to validate the integration is performing as expected prior to going live in production.

Please reach out to your Integration Delivery lead to request the most recent validation test suite.

Production Deployment

When all required test transactions are validated, your Integration Delivery lead will provide you with production credentials.

Replace your UAT merchant information with your live production credentials. We recommend completing a few test transactions in production to ensure that processing and settlement are successful.

Now you are ready to Run!

Hurdles (HTTP Errors)

HTTP Errors are returned when the client (ex. Browser) encounters an issue communicating with the host server.

Error and Description

400: Server was unable to decipher the request due to invalid syntax. Update the request before retrying.

401: The credentials passed in the request were not accepted by the server. Update the request before retrying.

404: The endpoint url path specified in the request was incorrect.

500: The host server encountered an issue and was unable to send a response.

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